The Wax
After discussion of the design our client has in mind, or helping them through their ideas. We sit down at the wax bench and begin to carve the wax. This gives our client the opportunity to put on and see if its what the are thinking. It is what will be used to produce the jewelry. Once approved we sprue or attached feeder tubes to the wax.

The casting
This is the rough casting after the sprues or feeder tubes are added we pour plaster into a special steel sleeve and heat to 1000 degrees which vaporizes the wax and leaves a cavity in the shape of the wax. The sprues or feeder tubes allow the molten wax to flow and fill the cavity. Once cool we have the casting.

The emerging ring
Here we have begun to cut and pull the sprues away to reveal the ring. Because of the delicate and elaborate design of this ring we had to put a large number of sprues.

The finished ring
After welding the settings or heads in place we set the diamonds into the appropriate positions polish and clean the ring appraise the ring and call the client to pick it up. Nothing to it.

The original
Client is wanting a pair of matching bands to fit the original engagement ring.

The wax bands with diamonds
Again we carved the waxes to match up the bands to the engagement ring. Set the diamonds into the band where they are going to permanently set. Got the approval from the client.